APICS courses and exams are daunting and require true dedication. Throughout the years, we have observed the habits of students who excel. Students who perform best in CPIM courses (and on the CPIM exam) develop the following habits. 

Tips for Succeeding in the APICS CPIM Part 1 Preparation Course

Attend all classes 

It goes without saying that you should attend all classes. Each class is an opportunity for you to review course materials, utilize the expertise of your instructor, and gain knowledge from classmates. You simply will not reap the same benefits with self-study.

Take part in class discussions

The best way to solidify your understanding of a concept is by explaining the concept to other people. Participating in class discussions will allow you to practice this form of study. In doing so, you are gaining the confidence you need to master the course materials!

Dedicate your time 

Be prepared to commit yourself to this exam. In addition to spending three hours in class per week, expect to spend three hours each week reading and studying. After classes are done, continue spending a total of six hours per week studying for the exam. Dedicate these six hours per week to exam practices, and do so until you’ve memorized all practice questions. Only then should you take the exam.

Utilize all materials

Between APICS materials and the materials provided by your LaneOPX Learning Academy instructor, you will have all of the resources you need to pass the exam. The real challenge is making sure that you make the most of these resources. Be sure to read (and then re-read) every word in the APICS materials provided in class. Practice the multiple choice questions in each section until they are memorized (and do every pre- and post-test question until they are memorized as well). In addition, download the free APICS Dictionary app and study vocabulary with the app’s Flashcards function.

Enlist support

Create a support system of other students, family members, friends, and colleagues. Let them all know what your CPIM goals are; they will help you hold yourself accountable for reaching these goals. 

About LaneOPX

LaneOPX is an Operational Excellence firm that provides consulting, education, and coaching services to multiple industries. Our team is composed of industry leaders––each with global experience in business development––who fully commit themselves to solving challenges regarding growth, productivity, risk, systems support, training, and employee development. Do you need someone to lead your company to excellence? We provide the benchmarks needed to effectively evaluate performance, and we implement the best global practices in business operations. Learn more about LaneOPX.

About the LaneOPX Education Academy 

The LaneOPX Education Academy allows LaneOPX experts to share their knowledge with students worldwide. We lead students through APICS exam preparation, host workshops, and deliver keynote presentations that inspire excellence within individuals and lead to better people and processes. Learn more about the LaneOPX Education Academy.

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